President of India
[A]. 6 months
[B]. 9 months
[C]. 12 months
[D]. 15 months
[A]. Prime Minister
[B]. Council of Ministers
[C]. Parliament
[D]. President
[A]. President of India
[B]. Vice President of India
[C]. Prime Minister of India
[D]. Defense Minister of India
[A]. Once
[B]. Twice
[C]. Thrice
[D]. No limit
[A]. Prime minister
[B]. Governor
[C]. President
[D]. Members of Parliament
[A]. State Legislative Assembly
[B]. Parliament
[C]. President
[D]. Council of ministers
[A]. Elected for 5 years but eligible for immediate re election and can serve for two terms.
[B]. Elected for 5 years but eligible for immediate re election and can serve for any number of terms
[C]. Elected for 5 years and not eligible for re election
[D]. None of the above
[A]. Executive and Administrative Powers
[B]. Legislative Powers
[C]. Emergency Powers
[D]. Judicial powers
[A]. Appointment of 12 members to Rajya Sabha and 2 Anglo Indian members to Lok Sabha
[B]. Assent or Withhold assent to any bill passed by the parliament
[C]. Sanction given to introduction of money Bills
[D]. None of the above
[A]. Chief Election Commissioner
[B]. Supreme Court
[C]. Attorney General
[D]. Solicitor general
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