HPPSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil Syllabus
Post Name :
Assistant Engineer (Civil), Class-I (Gazetted ) in Jal Shakti Vibhag, H.P.
Examination pattern for HPPSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil :
Selection will be through two examinations, Paper -1 and Paper-2.
Paper-1: Objective Question test consisting 50 Questions of 100 Marks.
Paper 2: Description exam consisting of 120 marks.
click on the link for Examination Pattern of AE Civil Jal Shakti Vibhag, HP .CLICK HERE
Syllabus for HPPSC Assistant Engineer AE Civil :
click on the link for PDF of Detailed Syllabus of AE Civil Jal Shakti Vibhag, HP . CLICK HERE
PART-I – (60 Marks)
- Engineering Mathematics:-
Matrix: Algebra Matrices, Related Matrices, Complex matrices (Hermitian and SkewHermitian matrices, Unitary matrix), Rank of a matrix, Gauss-Jordan method, Normal
form of a matrix, Linear dependence and independence of vectors, Consistency of linear
system of equations, solution of linear system of equations, Characteristic equation, Eigen
values, Eigen vectors, Properties of eigen values, Cayley-Hamilton theorem and its
applications, Reduction to diagonal form, Quadratic form and their reduction to canonical
form, Differential Calculus: Review of Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Mean
Value Theorem, Partial Differentiation and its geometrical interpretation, Homogeneous
functions, Euler’s theorem and its extension, Total differentials, Composite function,
Jacobian, Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s infinite series, Indeterminate forms, Errors and
increments, Maxima and minima of functions of two variables, Method of undetermined
multiples, curve tracing, Integral Calculus: Double integrals (Cartesian and Polar),
Change of order of integration, Change of Variables, Applications of Double Integrals,
Triple Integrals, Change of Variables, Applications of Triple Integrals, Beta and Gamma
functions, Vector Calculus: Differentiation of vectors, Curves in space, Velocity and
Acceleration, Relative velocity and acceleration, Scalar and Vector point functions,
Vector Operator ‘Del’- Del Applied to Scalar Point Functions (Gradient) and its
Geometrical Interpretation- Directional Derivative, Del Applied to Vector Point Function
(Divergence and Curl) and their Physical Interpretation, Del Applied Twice to Point
function, Del Applied to Products of Point Functions, Integration of Vector, Tangential
Line Integral, Normal Surface Integral, Volume integrals, Theorems of Green, Integration
of Vector, Tangential Line Integral, Normal Surface Integral, Volume Integrals, Theorems
of Green, Stokes and Gauss (without proofs) and their verification and applications,
Rotational Fields, Solenoidal Fields, Fourier Series: Euler’s formula, Dirichlet’s
Conditions, Functions having points of discontinuity, Change of interval, Expansion of
odd and even periodic functions, Half-range series, Typical wave-forms, Parseval’s
formula, Practical harmonic analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations: Brief review of
ordinary differential equations, Exact equations, Equations reducible to exact equations,
Equations of the first order and higher degrees, Clairaut’s equation, Applications of ODEs
in concerned engineering branch, Linear differential equations with constant co-efficient,
Complimentary functions and particular integral, method of variation of parameters,
Equations reducible to linear equations with constant co-efficient (Cauchy’s and
Legendre’s linear equations), initial and Boundary value problems, Simultaneous linear
equations with constant co-efficient, Applications of differential equations in concerned
engineering branch, Partial Differential Equations: Formulation of Partial Differential
Equations (PDE), Solution of PDE, Linear PDE of First Order (Lagrange’s Linear
Equation), Non-linear Equation of First Order (Standard Forms), Charpit’s Method,
Homogenous Linear Equation with Constant Coefficients, Non-homogenous Linear
Equations, Applications of PDE: Method of separation of variables, Solution of one
dimensional wave and heat equation and two dimensional Laplace’s equation,
Transforms Theory: Laplace Transform: Laplace Transforms and their properties,
Inverse Laplace Transforms, General Properties of inverse Laplace transforms and
Convolution Theorem, Laplace Transforms of periodic functions, Dirac-delta Function,
Heaviside’s Unit Function, Solution of ODE and linear simultaneous differential
equations using Laplace transforms, Fourier Transform: Fourier integral representation,
Fourier sine, cosine and complex transform, Finite Fourier Transforms and their
applications, Probability and Statistics: Review of probability, Conditional probability and
sampling theorems, Discrete and Continuous Probability Distribution, Probability Mass &
Probability Density Functions, distribution Function, Discrete and Continuous probability
distributions, Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions, Functions of Complex
Variable: Applications of De Moivre’s theorem, Exponential, Circular, Hyperbolic and
logarithmic functions of a complex variable, Inverse Hyperbolic functions, Real and
imaginary parts of Circular and Hyperbolic functions, Summation of the series-
‘C+iS’method, Limit and derivative of complex functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations,
Analytic functions and its applications, Complex integration, Cauchy’s theorem, Cauchy’s
integral formula, Series of complex function, Taylor series, singularities and Laurent’s
series, Cauchy’s residue theorem and its application for the evaluation of real singularities
and Laurent’s series, Cauchy’s residue theorem and its application for the evaluation of
real definite integrals, Interpolation: Lease square curve fit and trigonometric
approximations, Finite differences and difference operators, Newton’s interpolation
formulae, Gauss forward and backward formulae, Sterling and Bessle’s formulae,
Lagrange’s interpolation, Numerical integration: Integration by trapezoidal and
Simpson’s rules 1/3 and 3/8 rule, Romberg integration and Gaussian quadrature rule,
Numerical integration of function of two variables, Numerical Solution of Ordinary
Differential Equations: Taylor series method, Picard’s method, Euler’s method,
Modified Euler’s method, Runge-Kutta method, Predictor corrector methods, Adam
Bashforth and Milnes method, convergence criteria, Finite difference method, Numerical
Solution of Linear and Non-Linear Equations: Non-Linear Equations: Bisection
Method, Regula Falsi Method, Newton-Raphson Method, Iteration Method, Linear
Equations: Jacobi and Gauss Seidal Iteration methods, Relaxation method. - Engineering Graphics:-
Introduction: Importance of Engineering drawing, Engineering Drawing instruments and
uses, B.I.S. and I.S.O. Conventions for drawings, Use of plane scales and Representative
Fraction, Projection of Points and Straight Lines: Introduction to principal planes,
Notation System, Projection of line parallel/perpendicular to principal plane, Concept of
true length of line, Projection of Planes: Concept of different planes, Projections of
planes with its inclination to one principal plane and with two principal planes, Concept
of auxiliary plane method for projections of the plane, Projections of Solids and Sections
of Solids: Classifications of Solids, Projections of right and regular solids with their axis
parallel to two and perpendicular to one of the principal planes, axis parallel to one and
inclined to two principal planes, axis inclined to all the three principal planes, Section of
solids, Orthographic Projections & Isometric Projection: Principle of projection,
Principal planes of projection, Projections from the pictorial view of the object on the
principal planes using firs angle projection method and third angle projection method,
Full Sectional View, Isometric Projection, Autocad’s Workspaces and User Interface:
The Drawing Area, Accessing Autocad Commands, Starting, Saving, and Opening
Drawings, Closed User Interface, User Interface and Start-up Tutorial, Coordinates,
World Coordinate System/User Coordinate System, Coordinate Systems tutorial, Drawing
Using Coordinates Tutorial, Drawing Commands, Text & Modifying Commands, Object
Snap Commands. - Engineering Physics:-
Semiconductor Device Physics: Energy bands in solids, the E-k diagram, Density of
states, Occupation probability, Fermi level and quasi Fermi levels, Fermi-Dirac Statistic,
Effective mass, conductivity as a function of temperature p-n junctions, Schottky junction
and Ohmic contacts, Laser Physics: Concept of laser, spontaneous and simulated
emission, elementary idea about Lasers, basic principles involves in laser, three and four
level laser system, coherence, characteristics of laser light; ruby; He-Ne, CO2 and
semiconductor lasers, applications of lasers, Fibers Optics and photonics: Optical Fiber,
Physical structure and basic theory, modes in optical fibers, step index fibers, losses in
optical fibers, sources and sensors for optical fibers, applications of optical fibers in
communication, Electrostatics and Electrodynamics: Gauss’s Law in dielectric
medium, Equation of continuity, displacement current, Maxwell’s equations, wave
equation for electromagnetic radiation, Electromagnetic wave propagation in free space
and isotropic dielectric medium, Poynting theorem & Poynting vector, Quantum
Mechanics: Need of quantum mechanics, Compton effect, Born’s concept of wave
function, eigen function and eigen values, operators in quantum mechanics, expectation
values, time dependant Schrodinger’s wave equations and its applications viz., particle in
one dimensional potential well, Superconductivity and Ultrasonics: Introduction and
discovery of superconductivity, superconductivity materials, Meissner effect, critical
magnetic field and critical current, type-1 and type-2 superconductors, isotope effect,
theory of superconductivity ultrasonic’s, generation, properties and applications. - Applied Mechanics:-
Introduction to Statics: Particle and Rigid body, Types of forces, Transmissibility of a
force, Vector algebra, Two dimensional force system: Resolution of forces, Moment of
forces, Couple, Resolution of a coplanar force by its equivalent force-couple system,
Resultant of forces, free body diagram, equilibrium, Centre of Gravity and Moments of
inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume and composite bodies MI with respect to
different axis, parallel axis theorem, Mass moment of inertia, Virtual work and Energy
method: Principle of virtual work; Application of virtual work principle to machines;
Mechanical efficiency; Work of a force/couple, potential energy and equilibrium,
Concept of Friction: Law of Coulomb friction, Angle of Repose, Coefficient of friction,
large and small contact surfaces, Belt friction, Equilibrium of a belt, Bearing friction,
Kinematics of Rigid body: Introduction, Plane Motion of Rigid Body, Velocity and
Acceleration under Translation and Rotational Motion, Relative Velocity, Kinetics and
Rigid Body: Introduction, Force, Mass and Acceleration, Work and Energy, Impulse and
Momentum, DÁlembert’s Principles and Dynamic Equilibrium, Impulse Momentum
Principle: Impulsive force, Conservation of Linear momentum and Angular momentum,
Impact between bodies, Simple Stresses and Strains: Normal stress, Shear stress,
Bearing Stress, Normal strain, Shearing Strain; Hook’s law; Poisson’s ratio, Factor of
safety, Bending stress of Beams: Introduction, Simple Bending Theory, Stress in beams
of different cross sections, shear stress, combined stresses, Torsion: Introduction, Torsion
of shafts of circular section, torque and twist, shear stress due to torque, Analysis of
Truss: Method of joints, Method of Sections, Analysis of Frames: Shear force and
bending moment diagram of determinate beams and frame. - Engineering Chemistry:-
Environmental Science: Specification of domestic and industrial water, water treatment,
water quality parameters, waste/sewage water treatment, BOD, COD, Air quality
standard, air pollution and its control, smog formation, Photochemical smog, green house
effect and Global Warming, Chemical pollutants, Carbon Credit, Climate Change,
Introduction to Environment impact assessment, Characterisation Techniques:
Introduction to spectroscopy, UV-Visible spectroscopy- Absorption laws,
Instrumentation, formation of absorption bands, Chromophore and auxochrome concept,
application of UV-Visible Spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy- Principle, Selection rules,
spectral features of some classes of compounds, important features of IR spectroscopy
and application, Introduction to Thermal methods, instrumentation and applications
(TGA, DTA, DSC), Nanochemistry: Introduction to nanochemistry: Dependency of
optical, electrical and magnetic properties on size of materials, various nanostructures,
spherical nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanofibers, nanorods, etc, synthesis, properties and
applications of following nanomaterials- Carbon based nanostructures- CNTs and
graphene, semiconductors nanoparticles- Tio2, Characterisation of nanomaterials: atomic
force microscopy (AFM), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Corrosion and its
control: Introduction, Types of corrosion-chemical and electrochemical, Mechanism of
corrosion, factors affecting corrosion and different protection methods for corrosion
control, Lubricants: Introduction, Mechanisms of lubrication, Types of lubricants,
properties and different methods for testing of lubricant oils and greases. - Fluid Mechanics:-
Introduction: Flow characteristics, Classification, Fluid properties, Fluid Pressure and its
measurement, hydrostatic forces on submerged bodies, buoyancy and floatation, Fluid
Kinematics and Dynamics: Continuity equation, rotational and irrotational flow,
circulation and vorticitty, velocity potential and stream function, flow net, Euler’s
equation, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications, Flow through pipes: Darch-Weisbach
equation, energy losses in pipelines, equivalent pipes, multiple pipe system, siphon, three
reservoir problem, Laminar and Turbulent flows: Reynolds experiment, Laminar flow
between parallel plates, Laminar flow in pipes, characteristics of turbulent flow, Turbulent
flow in smooth and rough pipe, Concepts of boundary layer, Boundary layer thickness,
momentum integral equation, boundary layer separation and its control, Dimensional
analysis and similitude: Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham’s π theorem,
geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity, model studies, Open Channel Flow: Types
of open channels, classification of flows, continuity equation, concept of specific energy,
Critical depth, Chezy’s and Mannings equation, roughness coefficients, equivalent
roughness, Hydraulically efficient channel cross sections. - Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics:-
Introduction: Dynamic Earth; Origin, Age, Interior, Materials of Earth; Silicate
Structures and Symmetry Elements, Physical properties, Formation of Rocks; Igneous,
Sedimentary and Metamorphic processes and structures, Characterisation; Weathering
Processes, Geological work of Rivers, Glaciers, Wind and Sea/Oceans, Deposits and
Landforms, Formation of Soils; Engineering Properties of Rocks, Rock as Construction
material, Structural Features, Attitude of beds, True and apparent dips, Folds, Joints,
Faults, Unconformities, Plate tectonics, Continental drift and sea floor spreading,
Geological time scale, topographic maps, outcrops, Three point problems, Depth and
thickness problems, Hydrogeology: Ground water, Zone of ground water, water table and
perched water table, water bearing properties of rocks; occurrence of ground water,
springs, selection of sites for well sinking and geophysical investigations (Electrical and
Seismic methods), Earthquake and landslides: Classification, causes and effects of
Earthquake and landslides, seismic curve, seismographs, seismograms, accelograms,
seismic problems of India, seismic zones of India, remedial measures to prevent damage
for engineering structures, case histories, Geology of dams and reservoirs: Types of
dams, requirements of dam site, preliminary and detailed geological investigation for dam
site, failures of dams and their causes, factors affecting seepage and leakage of the
reservoir and the remedial measures, silting of reservoir, Rock Mechanics: Rock
Mechanics and its relationship with soil mechanics and engineering geology, application
of rock mechanics to civil engineering problems, index properties, Strength and failure
criteria for rocks and rock masses, Insitu stresses in rocks and their measurement,
Strength and deformation behaviour of discontinuities in rocks, Deformation behaviour of
rocks and rock masses, Time dependent behaviour of rocks, Application of Rock
mechanics of Underground Structures, slopes and Foundations, Improving the properties
of insitu rock masses, Rockmass classifications, Terzaghi, RQD, RSR, RMR and Q
classification, Rating, Applications, Creep and cycling loading, Weathered rocks,
Tunneling: Purpose of tunnelling and geological problems connected with tunnelling,
basic design and Principles of tunnels in rocks, Types and design of tunnel lining. - Surveying & Quantity Surveying:-
Basics of surveying: Introduction, concept of Geoids and reference spheroids, coordinate
systems, plane and geodetic surveys, methods of location of a point, errors in
measurements, surveying instruments, maps, scales and uses, topographic maps, map
layout, Distance measurements: Direct and Indirect methods, Chain and tape
measurements, Optical methods- tacheometers, sub tense bar, Electronic methods- EDMs,
Levelling: Methods of height determination, levels and staves, booking and reduction of
data, classification and permissible closing error, profile levelling and cross sectioning,
errors, reciprocal levelling, Contour-characteristics, uses and methods of contouring,
Measurement of Directions: Bearing and angles, compass surveying, magnetic bearings,
declination, local attraction errors and adjustments, Theodolites-types, uses, methods of
observation and booking of data, total station, Traversing and Triangulation: Compass
and Theodolite traverses- balancing and adjustment of traverses, computation of
coordinates, omitted measurements Triangulation-network, strength of figures, selection
of stations, inter-visibility, satellite stations, measurements and computations, Plane
Tabling: Accessories, orientations, and resection, methods, three point problem and
solutions, errors in plane tabling, Curves: simple circular curves, compound and reverse
curves, transition curves and vertical curves, Earthwork: area of a traverse, determining
area from plans, area of x-section, volume from X-section, corrections, mass haul
diagram, Modern Surveying methods: Aerial photogrammetry, geometry of aerial
photograph, stereoscopy, GPS principles, Satellite navigation system, GPS segment,
Receivers, Static, Kinematic and Differential GPS, remote sensing/GIS techniques and
application in mapping.
Estimate: Principles of estimation, Units, Items of work, Different kinds of estimates,
different methods of estimation, estimation of materials in single room building, Two
roomed building with different sections of walls for foundation, floors and roofs, R.B. and
R.C.C. works, plastering, white-washing, distempering, painting, doors and windows, and
lump sum items, estimates of canals and roads, Specification of works: Necessity of
specifications, types of specifications, general specifications, specification of bricks,
cement, sand, water, lime, reinforcement; detailed specifications for earthwork, cement,
concrete, brick work, floorings, D.P.C., R.C.C., cement plastering, white and colour
washing, distempering, painting, Rate Analysis: Purpose, Preparation of rate analysis,
procedure of rate analysis for items: earthwork, concrete works, R.C.C. works, reinforced
brick work, plastering, painting, white-washing and distempering, Valuation: Gross
income, net income, outgoings, scrap values, salvage value, obsolescence, annuity,
sinking fund, depreciation, valuations of buildings, Public Works Account: Regular and
work change establishment, earnest money, security money, retention money, muster roll,
measurement book, cash book, examination and payment of bills, first and final bills,
administrative sanction, technical sanction. - Water Resource Engineering:-
Introduction: Hydrological cycle, Water budget equation, Watershed, Abstractions:
Precipitations-Types, Measurement, Computation of average rainfall over a basin,
Evaporation, Transpiration, infiltration, Φ-index, weather systems, Runoff: Factors
affecting, runoff computation, rainfall-runoff correlation, flow mass curve, flow duration
curve, Hydrographs: Flood hydrograph, base flow separation, Unit and S-hydrograph
from simple and complex storms, synthetic and instantaneous unit hydrograph, Floods:
flood discharge estimation, flood control, reservoir and channel routing, Groundwater
Hydrology: Darcy’s Law- concept and applications, Well Hydraulics- Steady and
unsteady state, Open Channel Flow: Types of open channels, classification of flows,
continuity equation, concept of specific energy, critical depth, Chezy’s and Mannings
equation, roughness coefficients, equivalent roughness, Hydraulically efficient channel
cross sections, Gradually Varied Flow: Equations of GVF, Slope Profiles, Computations
of GVF Profiles, Rapidly Varied Flow: Hydraulic Jump- Concept and computations,
Principles of energy dissipation, Jump as Energy dissipaters, tail water rating curve and
jump height curves, Irrigation: water requirements of crops: Soil moisture and cropwater relations, Consumptive use of water, duty and delta, irrigation efficiencies,
computation of channel and reservoir capacity based on crop water requirements,
irrigation methods, irrigation scheduling, Canals: Canal classification, Design of stable
channels, regime theory and design of unlined canals, Water logging: Causes, preventive
and curative measures, Water Resources Management: Water resources availability and
demand; Water use sectors- Domestic, Industries and Agriculture; Sustainable water
resources development, Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). - Soil Mechanics:-
Soil Properties: Soil mechanics, rock mechanics, foundation engineering, soil formation,
soil structure, soil map of India, Basic definitions phase diagram, water content, specific
gravity, void ratio, porosity, unit weight, weight volume relationships, index properties of
soil and their determination, classification of soils, degree of saturation, density index,
Permeability, Seepage: Darcy’s law and its validity, seepage velocity, discharge
velocity, constant and variable head permea-meter, pumping in & out tests, permeability
of stratified soils, factors affecting permeability, laplace’s equation flow potential flow net
and its properties, different methods of drawing flownets, seepage pressure, quick sand,
exit gradient, piping, design of filter, principle of total and effective stresses, capillarity
conditions in soil, effective and pore pressures, Stress Distribution: Effective and pore
pressures, Effective stress principle, Stress distribution in soil, assumption in elastic
theories, Boussinesq’s equation for point, line, circular and rectangular loads,
Westergaad’s formula for point load, comparison of Boussinesq’s and Westergaad’s
equation, concept and use of pressure bulbs, principle and use of New mark’s influence
chart, contact pressure, Compaction: Mechanism of compaction, objective of
compaction, measurements of compaction, factors affecting compaction, optimum
moisture content, Standard Proctor test, Modified Proctor test, effect of moisture content
and compactive effort on dry density, zero air void curve, compaction of cohesion less
soils, filed compaction, filed control of compaction, Consolidation: Mechanism of
consolidation, (e-log) curves, basic definitions, estimation of pre consolidation pressure,
normally consolidation and over consolidation ratio, Terzaghi’s theory of one dimensional
consolidation, assumption, governing equation, standard solution, laboratory
determination of consolidation properties of soil, magnitude and rate of consolidation,
settlements, secondary consolidation, compression characteristics of clays and settlement
analysis, Shear strength: Normal, shear and principal stresses, Columb’s equation,
Mohr’s stress circle, Mohr-Columb failure criteria, laboratory determination of shear
parameters of soil by direct shear tests, triaxial test, unconfined compression test, Vane
shear test, Consolidated drained, consolidated undrained and unconsolidated undrained
shear test, pore pressure parameters, Lambe’s p-q diagram. - Building Materials and Construction:-
Basic Structural Building Materials: Principle Properties of Engineering materials:
Physical & Mechanical, Clay product- Clay Brick and Tiles: Classification, tiles, Limes:
Classification and applications, Cement: Composition, Types, Manufacturing of Ordinary
Portland Cement, rate of hydration, special types, Fine and Coarse aggregate, Source,
impurities, Classification, Characteristics, Timber: Classification, seasoning, defects,
wood product and its applications, Transformed Material: Mortars: Classification,
characteristics, functions of ingredient, Cement concrete and Special concrete: Types,
Physical properties, Service Material: Ceramic products: Classification, refractories,
glass, properties of ceramic materials, Ferrous and non-ferrous Metals and alloys:
Properties, Uses, Paints, Distemper & Varnishing, Basic Constituents, Types,
Composition, Defects, application, Structural Components of building and building
specification: Foundation: Type, application, Masonry: Stone, brick and Confined,
Types, Bonds, defects, Walls, Design Consideration, Constructional details, Types of load
bearing and non-load bearing walls, Floor and Roofs, Type, Ground/ Upper; Flat/Slopped,
Beam/Band-Plinth, sill, Lintel-Types and details, Stairs, Ramps- classification,
application, Form work; Requirements, Load Applied, Scaffolding, Non Structural
Components of building and building specification: Plastering, Pointing: Type,
methods, defects, Doors and Windows, Ventilators: Locations, Sizes, types, Dampness
and Water Proofing: Causes, Prevention methods, damp- proofing treatment, Materials
used, Building service: Plumbing-Fitting, Fixture, System, Termite Proof; Materials used
and Method of application, Fire protection, Fire safety requirement, Fire extinguishing
equipment, Thermal Insulation: Basic definitions, Materials used, methods, Acoustics &
Sound insulation: characteristics, sound insulation, Acoustical design, ventilation:
functional requirement, systems. - GIS and Remote Sensing:-
Remote Sensing: Remote sensing system; Physics of remote sensing, EMR
characteristics and interaction in atmosphere and with ground objects, spectral properties
of water bodies, vegetation, soil etc., resolution, sensors and platforms, types of
resolution, image processing, classification, geometric and radiometric distortions, georeferencing, digital image processing, image enhancement, transformations and
classification, visual interpretation techniques, applications of remote sensing for earth
resource management, applications of optical and microwave remote sensing techniques
in civil engineering, Geographic Information System: introduction to GIS, spatial data
models, databases and database management systems, coordinate systems and geo
referencing, GIS analysis functions, statistical modelling, digital elevation models and
their applications, data visualization methods, exporting data modern trends in GIS,
applications of GIS. - Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures:-
Introduction: Seismic design Philosophy- Earthquake ground motions, inelastic seismic
response, Theory of vibrations: Conversion of Structures into equivalent mathematical
model for vibration analysis, Vibration of single, two and multi storey building frames,
Earthquake resistant Reinforced concrete buildings: Codal provisions for design
against earthquake IS: 1893-2016, IS: 13920-2016, Earthquake resistant Masonry
buildings: Behaviour of masonry during earthquakes, codal provisions for earthquake
resistant masonry, IS: 4326-2013, IS: 3827-1993, IS: 13828-1993. - Bridge Engineering:-
Elements of bridge engineering: Definitions, components of bridge, classification,
importance and Site Selection, water way, Site Selection, data drawing, design discharge
linear water way, economical span, location of piers and abutments, vertical clearance
above HFL scour depth, Traffic projection, investigation report choice of bridge type,
selection of Bridge cross-section and longitudinal form, Characteristics of each type,
Introduction to bridge codes, Design loads for Road and Railway bridges; General design
consideration, Culverts: Design of R.C.C. slab culvert (Design of deck slab), Pipe culvert
and Box culvert based on variety of IRC vehicle loading, RC Slab and Tee Girder
Bridges: Design of solid deck slab, Longitudinal beam and Cross beam based on variety
of IRC vehicle loading, Bridge Piers, Abutments, Wing-wall and approaches: Types
and stability analysis of piers and abutments, Loads, abutments and wing wall design,
Bridge Foundations: Types of Bridge foundations, Pile and well foundations, Bridge
Bearings and expansion joints: Necessity of bearings, Types of bearings and expansion
joints, Design of Elastomeric Bearings, Necessity and types of expansion joints. - Building Services:-
Planning of building services: Classification of Buildings base on Occupancy,
Consideration in Building Design, Standard of Accommodation, Plumbing: Common
sanitary fixtures, Layout of Sanitary Fixtures, Water Pipe Sizing in Buildings, Foul Water
Drainage in Buildings, Buildings Services Detailing, Lift and Escalator: Classification
(Types), Lift codes and Rules, Structural Provisions, Design Features of Escalator,
Acoustics and Ventilation: Material properties, acoustical design of assembly halls and
buildings, noise and its control, measuring equipment, Ventilation: Ventilation systems,
health and comfort ventilation, natural ventilation and its measurement, Fire protection
and equipment, Illumination: Laws and principles of illumination, artificial and day
lighting, Energy conservation in buildings, Electrical Wiring: Requirements in domestic,
office and commercial buildings, Electric light sources- brief description, characteristics,
Thermal Aspects of Building Services: Thermal environment in building and its control,
factors involved, heat transfer building fabric, thermal properties of building and
insulation materials, air conditioning systems, types, design, installation, Solar passive
building planning. - Geo-synthetics & Ground Improvement Techniques:-
Introduction: Geosynthetics, Types, Advantage and disadvantage, Basic characteristics,
Raw material, Manufacturing processes, functions, Selection, Physical properties,
Mechanical properties, Hydraulic properties, Endurance and degradation properties, Test
and allowable properties, Applications: Retaining walls, Embankments, Shallow
foundations, Roads, Unpaved roads, Paved roads, Railway tracks, filters and drains,
Slopes, Erosion control, Stabilization, Containment facilities, Landfills, Ponds, Reservoir,
Canals, Earth dams, Tunnels, Installation survivability requirements, Analysis and design
concepts: Design methodologies, Retaining walls, Embankments, Shallow foundations,
Roads, Unpaved Roads, Paved Roads, Railway tracks, Filters and drains, Slopes, Erosion
control, stabilization, Containment facilities, Landfills, Ponds, reservoir, canals, Earth
Dams, Tunnels, Application guidelines: General guidelines, care and consideration,
Geosynthetic selection, Identification and inspection, Sampling and test methods,
Protection before installation, Site preparation, Geosynthetic installation, Joints/seams,
Cutting of geosynthetics, Protection during construction and service life, Damage
assessment and correction, Anchorage, Prestressing, Maintenance, Certification, Handling
the refuse of geosynthetics, Specific guidelines related to Retaining walls, Embankments,
Shallow foundations, Unpaved Roads, Paved roads, Railway tracks, Filters and drains,
Slopes- erosion control, slopes- stabilization, Containment facilities and Tunnels, Quality
Field Performance Monitoring and Economic Analysis: Concepts of quality and its
evaluation, Field performance monitoring, Economic evaluation- Concepts of cost
analysis, Experiences of cost analysis, Selected case studies.
Dewatering: Need and objectives of Ground Improvement, Classification of Ground
Modification Techniques, Suitability and feasibility, Emerging Trends in ground
improvement, methods of dewatering-sumps and interceptor ditches- single, multi stage
well points- vacuum well point- Horizontal wells- foundation drains- blanket drainscriteria for selection of fill material around drains- Electro-osmosis, Grouting: Chemical
grouting, commonly used chemicals, grouting systems, grouting operations, applications,
compaction grouting, application and limitation, plant for preparing grouting materials,
jet grouting, jet grouting process, geometry and properties of treated soils and
applications, Compaction: Principles of compaction, Engineering behaviour of
compacted clays, field compaction, techniques static vibratory, impact, Earth moving
machinery, compaction control, Application to granular soils, cohesive soils, depth of
improvement, Environmental considerations, induced settlements, compaction using
vibratory probes, vibro techniques, vibro equipment, vibro compaction and replacement
process, vibro systems and liquefaction, soil improvement by thermal treatment,
preloading techniques, surface compaction, introduction to bio technical stabilization,
Stabilization: Introduction to soil improvement by adding materials, lime, flyash, cement
and other chemicals and bitumen, sand column, stone column, sand drains, prefabricated
drains, lime column, soil-lime column, stabilization of soft clay or slit with lime, bearing
capacity of lime treated soils, settlements of lime treated soils, improvement in slope
stability, control methods, Expansive Soils: Problems of expansive soils- tests for
identification- methods of determination of swell pressure, Improvement of expansive
soils- Foundation techniques in expansive soils- under reamed piles. - Disaster Management:-
Understanding Disasters: Understanding the concepts and definitions of Disasters,
Hazard, Vulnerability, Risk, Capacity- Disaster and Development and disaster
management Types, Trends, Causes, Consequences and Control of Disasters, Geological
Disasters; Hydro-Meteorological Disasters, Biological Disasters and man-made Disasters
Global Disaster Trends- Emerging Risks of Disasters- Climate change and Urban
Disasters, Disasters Management Cycle and Framework: Disaster Management CycleParadigm shift in Disaster Management Pre-Disaster- Risk Assessment and Analysis,
Risk Mapping, Zonation and Microzonation, Prevention and mitigation of Disasters, Early
warning system; Preparedness, Capacity Development, Awareness During DisasterEvacuation- Disaster Communication- Search and Rescue- Emergency operation centreIncident Command System- Relief and Rehabilitation- Post-disaster- Damage and Needs
Assessment, Restoration of Critical Infrastructure- Early Recovery- Reconstruction and
Redevelopment; IDNDR, Yokohama Strategy, Hyogo Framework of action, Disaster
Management in India: Disaster Profile of India- Mega Disasters of India and Lessons
Learnt Disaster Management Act 2005- Institutional and Financial Mechanism National
Policy on Disaster Management, National Guidelines and Plans on Disaster Management,
Role of Government ( local, state and national), Non-Government and interGovernmental Agencies, Application of Science and Technology for Disaster
Management: Geo-informatics in Disaster Management (Rs, GIS, GPS and RS) Disaster
Communication System (Early Warning and its Dissemination) Land use Planning and
Development Regulations Disaster Safe Designs and Constructions Structural and Non
Structural Mitigation of Disasters S&T Institutions for Disaster Management in India. - Air Pollution Control:-
Sources and effects of air pollutants: Classification of air pollutants- Particulates and
gaseous pollutants- Sources of air pollution- Source inventory- Effects of air pollution on
human beings, materials, vegetation, animals- global warming-ozone lay depletion,
Sampling and Analysis- Basic Principles of Sampling- Source and ambient samplingAnalysis of pollutants- Principles , Dispersion of air pollutants: Elements of
atmosphere- Meteorological factors- wind roses- Lapse rate- Atmospheric stability and
turbulence- Plume rise- Dispersion of pollutants- Dispersion models- Applications, Air
Pollution Control: Concepts of control- Principles and design of control measuresParticulates control by Gravitational, centrifugal, filtration, scrubbing, electrostatic
precipitation- Selection criteria for equipment- gaseous pollutant control by adsorption,
absorption, condensation, combustion- pollution control for specific major industries.
PART-II-(60 Marks) - RCC Design:-
Introduction: Type of loads and load combinations, Properties of concrete and
reinforcing steel, design philosophies, limit state, ultimate load method, working stress
method, Design of Flexural members (Beam and Slab) by Limit state Method: Design
of Beams: Singly reinforced, doubly reinforced, rectangular, Flanged beams and lintels,
Design of Slabs; One way, two way, flat slab, Design of Columns by limit state
method: Design of short and long columns subjected to eccentric and axial loading,
Design of Stair Cases: Types terms used, design of stairs spanning horizontally &
longitudinally, Circular/ spiral doglegged, Open well stair, Design of Footings: Isolated
and Combined footings. - Water Supply and Treatment:-
Introduction: Scope and importance of Environmental Engineering and managementIntroduction to Environmental pollution- Impact on human health- Significant water
quality parameters for Municipal water supplies, Standards and guidelines for water
quality parameters, Demand and Sources of Water: Water Demand- population
forecast- Water quality requirements- Sources and its yield for water requirements- Intake
structures- water quality parameters and their significance in domestic use, Water
Treatment: Design of treatment units such as aeration, sedimentation, coagulation and
flocculation, filtration, Disinfection, water softening- Advanced water treatment methods,
Water Distribution Systems: Pumps and pumping system- Pipes- Pipe appurtenancesTesting of water main- Distribution reservoirs- Distribution methods- Pipe network
analysis- Planning of water supply project, Plumbing and fittings for Water Supply:
House water connection, Design consideration for water piping system and storage of
water in building, Rural Water Supply and Treatment: Water demand and treatment,
techniques for rural area, water problems and remedial measures. - Foundation Engineering:-
Stability Analysis: Stability of finite and infinite slopes, Types of failure, different
factors for safety, determination of factor of safety by method of slices, Swedish circle,
friction circle, Bishop method, Morgenstern Price method, Taylor’s stability number,
location of critical circle, stability analysis of earth dam slopes for different conditions,
design of filters and rock toe, Earth Pressure: Different types of earth pressure, States of
plastic equilibrium, Rankine’s theory and Coulomb’s theory, influence of water table,
surcharge, wall friction and deformation on earth pressure, application of Rankine’s
theory and Coulomb’s theory to cohesionless and cohesive soils, Culmann’s graphical
method, stability considerations for retaining walls, effect of earthquakes, design of
retaining walls, Sheet Pile Walls: Different types of sheet pile walls, fixed and free earth
support, design principles of anchored bulkheads, arching in tunnels, open cut strutting
and sheeting, Foundations: Different types of loads on foundations, types of shallow and
deep foundations, footings, rafts, piles, wells, selection of foundation type, dewatering of
foundations, types of exploration, methods of boring, soil samples and sampling, Shallow
Foundations: Bearing capacity, Terzaghi’s theory, effect of foundation size, shape,
ground water table, determination bearing capacity from building codes, plate load test,
penetration test, static and dynamic cone tests, Housel’s approach, bearing capacity of
sands and clays, settlements analysis of foundation, permissible settlements, design
principles, depth of foundation, principles of floating raft, foundations on non-uniform
soils, Pile Foundations: Types of pile based on function, Materials and methods of
construction, friction and end bearing piles, static formula, Engineering News and Hiley’s
formula, group action, block failure, settlement of pile group in sand and clays, pile load
test, negative skin friction, under-reamed piles, Well Foundations: Elements, forces on
well, Lateral stability analysis, problem in sinking of wells and remedial measures. - Highway Engineering:-
Road Development and Planning: Necessity of transportation planning, Classification
of roads, Road patterns, Planning surveys, Highway planning and development in India,
Highway Location and Alignment: Ideal alignment and factors controlling, Engineering
survey for highway location, Drawing and reports, Highway projects, Highway
Geometric Design: Highway cross-section elements, Sight distances, Design of
horizontal alignment, Transition curves and vertical alignment, Design aspects of hill
roads, Traffic Engineering: Traffic characteristics, Traffic Operation, Traffic studies and
data collection, Design of intersections & rotaries, Signalling, Road markings and parking
facilities, Pavement Design: Design factors, Pavement materials and their characteristic,
Design of flexible pavement by CBR method, Group index and Burmister methods,
Design of rigid pavements, Construction of Roads: Construction of water-bound
macadam roads, Bituminous pavements, Cement concrete roads, Construction of joints in
cement concrete pavement, Highway Maintenance: Pavement failure, maintenance
techniques, Evaluation and strengthening of existing pavements. - Steel Structure:-
Design of connections in steel structures: Bolted and welded connections, assumptions,
Different types of joints, design of various types of bolted and welded connections
subjected to direct loads and eccentric loads, Design of tension members: Selection of
section, I.S. specifications, design of axially loaded tension members, design of members
for axial tension and bending, end connections, design of lug angles and tension splices,
Design of compression members: Theory of buckling, design of column, cross section
(single and built up sections), design of angle struts, eccentrically loaded columns,
column splices, lacings and battens, Design of beams: Lateral stability, design of single
and built up beams, plated beams and curtailment of flange plates, Design of column
bases and column footings: Slab base, gusseted base, and Grillage Foundation subjected
to Axial & Eccentric loads, Design of Roof Trusses: Types of trusses, roofs and side
coverage, types of loadings and load combinations, design of members and connections,
Design of Plate Girder and Gantry Girder: Design of section, stiffeners, splices, design
of built up Gantry Girder. - Railways and Airports:-
Planning of Railways: Significance of Road, Rail, Air and Water transports Coordination
of all modes to achieve sustainability, Route alignment surveys, Soil suitability analysis,
Railway stations and yards, passengers amenities, Railway Design: Elements of
permanent way Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, rail fixtures and fastenings, Track Stress, coning
of wheels, creep in rails, signalling and interlocking, Geometric design of railways,
gradient, super elevation, Points and Crossings, Airport Planning: Air transport
characteristics-airport classification- air port planning: Objectives, components, layout
characteristics, criteria for airport site selection and ICAO stipulations, Typical airport
layouts, Parking and circulation area, Airport Zones, Passenger facilities and Services,
Airport Design: Runway Design: Orientation, Wind Rose Diagram, Runway length,
Geometric design of runways, Configuration and Pavement Design Principles, Elements
of Taxiway Design, Runway and Taxiway Makings and lighting. - Waste Water Treatment and Management:-
Wastewater Generation, Collection & Conveyance: Wastewater QuantityClassification of wastewater- Sewerage system for domestic wastewater and storm waterCollections, and appurtenances- Design and layout of sewerage systems- Maintenance of
sewerage systems- Physical, Chemical & Biological characteristics and their significance,
Primary Treatment of Wastewater: Objectives of Wastewater treatment- Treatment
methods: Unit Operations and Processes Design criteria- Design of primary treatment
system, Secondary Treatment of Wastewater: Concepts of Biological treatment and
removal mechanism- Aerobic and Anaerobic Systems- Design of suspended and attached
growth processes- introduction to extended aeration processes and waste stabilization
pond- Design of anaerobic system, House Drainage & Environmental Sanitation:
General Principles, House drainage system- traps and sanitary fitting- Low cost sanitation
system, Wastewater Disposal: Alternative disposal methods- Self Purification of streamStandards for disposal alternatives, Natural purification of polluted streams, Sludge
Handling: Quantity and quality of sludge, Methods of sludge treatment: sludge digestion
and drying beds- Disposal of sludges. - Design of Hydraulic structures:-
Reservoir Planning: Investigations, layout, selection of site for hydraulic structures, life
of Reservoir, Structures of Permeable foundations: Bligh’s creep theory, limitations,
Khoslas’s theory of independent variable, Khosla’s corrections, Canal head Works,
Design of Weir and Barrages, Canal structures: Design of canal falls, Regulators, Cross
drainage works: Selection, design aspects of aqueducts, siphon aqueducts, supper
passages, canal siphon and level crossings, Earth Dams: Types, causes of failure, soils
suitability for earth dam construction, typical earth dam sections, estimation of seepage
through and below the dam, seepage control, stability of slopes, Gravity dams: Design
Criteria, forces acting on gravity dams, elementary profile, Forces on gravity dams,
stability analysis, Spillways and Energy dissipaters: Purpose, different types, details of
ogee, siphon, shaft, chute and side channel spillways, design aspects, Principles of energy
dissipation, Energy dissipaters based on water curve and jump height curves. - CPM and PERT:-
Construction Management: Significance, Objectives and functions, resources for
construction industry, stages in construction, Civil Engineering drawings, work
breakdown structure, Pre-tender stage planning, contract stage planning, scheduling, bar
charts, limitations of bar charts, milestone charts, preparation of material, equipment,
labour, and finance schedule, Construction Contracts & Specifications: Types of
contracts, contract document, specifications, important conditions of contract, arbitration,
Construction Organization: Principles of organization, communication in organization,
types of organization, temporary services, job layout, Critical Path Method: Network
techniques, element of a network, rules for developing networks, development logics,
numbering events, times computations, activity floats, network updating, Resources
profile, resources smoothing and resources levelling, Cost-Time Analysis: Cost versus
time, direct cost, indirect cost, total project cost, optimum duration, contracting network
for cost optimization, Programme Evaluation and Review Technique: Probability
concept in network, optimistic time, Pessimistic time, most likely time, variance, standard
deviation, slack, central limit theorem, probability of achieving completion time. - Urban Transportation Planning:-
Elements of Traffic Engineering: Road user, vehicle and road way, Vehicle
characteristics, Design speed, volume, Highway capacity and levels of service, PCU
Concept and its limitations, Road user facilities-Parking facilities, Cycle tracks and
cycleways, Pedestrian facilities, Traffic Volume Studies: Traffic volume studies, origin
destination studies, speed studies, travel time and delay studies, Parking studies, Accident
studies, Traffic Regulation and control:
Signs and markings- Traffic System Management- Design of at-grade, intersections,
Channelization, Design of rotaries, Traffic signals, Urban Transportation Planning:
Trip generation, Trip distribution, Modal Split, Traffic assignment, Public
Transportation: Role and design concept of various modes of public transportation
within an urban area, Application of probability and Statistics in Transportation
Planning: Common probabilistic and statistical distribution functions, Concept of Traffic
flow modelling and simulation, Introduction to ITS: Benefits of ITS, ITS Data
collection techniques- Detectors, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL), Automatic Vehicle
Identification (AVI), Geographic Information Systems (GIS), video data collection. - Harbor Dock and Tunnel Engineering:-
Planning of Harbor: Classification of harbours, major ports in India, administrative set
up, harbour economics, Harbor components, ship characteristics, characteristics of good
harbour, and principles of harbour planning, size of harbour, site selection criteria and
layout of harbors, Natural Phenomena: Wind, waves tides and currents phenomena, their
generation characteristics and effects on marine structures, silting, erosion and littoral
drift, Marine Structure: General design aspects, breakwaters- functions, types general
design principles, wharves, quays, jetties, piers, pier heads, dolphin, fenders, mooring
accessories- functions, types, suitability, design and construction features, Docks and
Locks: Tidal basin, wet docks-purpose, design consideration, operation of lock gates and
passages, repair docks- graving docks, floating docks, marine railway, Port Amenities:
Ferry, transfer bridges, floating landing stages, and transit sheds, and transit sheds, ware
house , cold storage, aprons, cargo handling equipments, purpose and general description,
Navigation Aids: Channel and entrance demarcation, buoys, beacons, light house
electronic communication devices, Harbor Maintenance: Costal protection- purpose and
devices, dredging-capital and maintenance dredging, purpose, methods dredgers- types,
suitability, disposal of dredged material, Tunneling: Alignment, drainage, methods of
construction, lighting and ventilation. - Solid Waste Management:-
Evolution of Solid Waste Management: Introduction: Solid waste- A consequence of
life, Municipal Solid Waste: Generation, Rate Variation, Characteristics (Physical,
Biological & Chemical); Engineering Principles: Management Options for Solid Waste,
Waste Reduction at the Source, Collection Techniques, Materials and Resources
Recovery/Recycling, Waste Handling and Separation: Transport of Municipal Solid
Waste, Routing and Scheduling, Treatment, Transformations, Disposal of Solid waste
and Residue Matter: Disposal Techniques (Composting, Vermi Composting,
Incineration, Refuse Derived fuels, Landfilling), Sources, Types and Properties of
Hazardous waste: Hazardous Solid Waste: Generation, Rate Variation, Characteristics
(Physical, Biological & Chemical), Hazardous Waste Management: Hazardous waste
management: Exposure and risk assessment, environment legislation, characterization
and site assessment, waste minimization, incineration, transportation, storage, landfill
disposal. - Environmental Impact Assessment:-
Introduction: Environment and its components; Concept of Ecological imbalances,
Elements of Environmental Analysis; Current screening process in India; Carrying
capacity and sustainable development, evolution of Environmental Impact Assessment
(EIA), A step by-step procedure for developing; EIA; Pubic construction; Post
monitoring; Impact Case Studies of Industrial EIA and Water resources projects; Brief
introduction about Environment legislation and Environment Audit, Methodologies:
Criteria for the selection of EIA Methodology, EIA Methods, Predictive Models for
impact assessment, Prediction and Assessment of impacts on Soil and Ground Water
Environment: Soil and Ground water, Methodology for the Predictive and Assessment of
Impact on soil and Ground water, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Surface
Water Environment: Sources which create Impact concern for the Surface water
Environment, Systematic Methods for Evaluation of Impact of Various Developmental
Activities on Surface Water Environment, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on
Biological Environment: Methodology for the Assessment of impacts on Biological
Environment, Systematic Approach for Evaluation Biological Impacts, Prediction and
Assessment of Impacts on Air Environment: Sources of Air Pollution, Methods for
Assessment of Air pollution impact, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts on Noise
Environment: Types of Noise, measurements, Effects, and Methods of Assessing Impact
of Noise, Prediction and Assessment of Impacts of Socio-Economic and Human
Health Impacts: Social Assessment, Conceptual Frame work for Socio- Economic
Assessment, Assessment of Impacts of Project activities on Human Health, Methodology,
Assessment of Impacts of Project Activities on Traffic and Transport Systems,
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for EIA: Concepts of Environmental Remote
Sensing, GIS Concept and techniques, Application of Environmental Remote Sensing for
EIA, Application of GIS for EIA, GIS Environmental Impact Assessment, Possible
Approaches, Resource Implications, GIS in Screening, Scoping and Baselines Studies,
Database for GIS. - Groundwater Engineering:-
Hydrogeological Parameters: Introduction- Water bearing Properties of Rock- Type of
aquifer- Aquifer properties- permeability, specific yield, transmissivity and storage
coefficient- Methods of Estimation- Ground water table fluctuation and its interpretationsGroundwater development and potential in India, Well Hydraulics: Objectives of
Groundwater hydraulics- Darcy’s Law- Groundwater equation- steady state flow- DupuitForchheimer Assumption- Unsteady state flow- Theis method- Jacob method- Slug testImage well theory- Partial penetrations of wells, Groundwater Management: Need for
management model- Database for groundwater management- groundwater balance studyIntroduction to Mathematical model conjunctive use- Collector well and Infiltration
gallery, Groundwater Quality: Ground water chemistry- Origin, movement and qualitywater quality standards- Health and aesthetic aspects of water quality- Saline intrusionEnvironmental concern and Regulatory requirements. - Hydro Power Engineering:-
Turbo Machinery: Governing Equations, Hydrodynamic forces of jets on vanes,
Turbines, Classification, impulse and reaction turbines, characteristics curves, draft tubes,
governing of turbines, specific speed, unit quantities concept, cavitations, Pumps:
classification, work done, minimum starting speed, losses and efficiencies, specific speed,
multistage pumps, Cavitation in pumps, Hydro Power Development: Sources of energy
and their comparative study, investigations and studies for hydropower development,
estimation of available water power, flow and power duration curves, firm power and
secondary power, plant capacity, installed capacity, constraints in hydropower
development operation and maintenance of hydropower plants, small hydropower
development, Classification of hydro-power plants based on storage characteristics,
operating head, load, capacity, Principle components of hydro-electric scheme, Storage
and pondage, economic analysis of storage capacity, aspects of cost allocation for
different purposes, reservoir operation using flow duration and flow mass curves,
Hydroelectric Plants: Layout of hydropower plants, types of power houses, various
components, investigations and studies, safety requirements, Storages zones of a
reservoir, reservoir sedimentation, trap efficiency, life of a reservoir, principle of
desilting, design of desilting basins, Alignment and location of various type of intakes,
trashracks, design of intake structures, Conveyance channels and tunnels, water harmer,
surge tanks, design of surge tanks, penstocks classification and layout, hydraulic design of
penstocks, hydraulic valves and gates, tail race channels, Economics of Hydro power
installation: Engineering feasibility, political consideration, economic feasibility,
analysis of cost of hydro power, preparation of pre-feasibility report, detailed project
report, cost and estimate report.