500 Best Building Materials MCQ

Q49). Pick up the correct statement from the following:

a).In basic Bessemer process, the steel heats the converter
b).In open-hearth process, the furnace heats the steel
c).In Siemens process, the impurities of pig iron are oxidised by the oxygen of the ore
d).all the above.

Correct Answer:
all the above.

Q50). The process of manufacturing steel by heating short lengths of wrought iron bars mixed with charcoal in fire clay crucibles and collecting the molten iron into moulds, is known as

a).Cementation process
b).Crucible process
c).Bessemer process
d).Open hearth process.

Correct Answer:
Crucible process

Q51). The rocks in which argil (or clay) predominates, are called

a).sillicious rocks
b).argillaceous rocks
c).calcareous rocks
d).igneous rocks.

Correct Answer:
argillaceous rocks

Q52). A badly mixed cement concrete results in

c).honey combing
d).none to these.

Correct Answer:
honey combing

Q53). Pick up the correct statement regarding low heat cement from the following:

a).It possesses less compressive strength
b).Its initial setting time is about one hour
c).Its final setting time is about 10 hours
d).all the above.

Correct Answer:
all the above.

Q54). Chemically, marble is known as

a).metamorphic rock
b).argillaceous rock
c).calcareous rock
d).silicious rock.

Correct Answer:
calcareous rock

Q55). Inner part of a timber log surrounding the pith, is called

b).cambium layer
c).heart wood
d).none to these.

Correct Answer:
heart wood

Q56). The filler used in plastic bitumen, is

a).shale powder
b).talc powder
c).asbestos powder
d).plastic powder

Correct Answer:
asbestos powder

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